Making a Smooth Comeback: Tips and Insights for Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

Returning to work after maternity leave is a significant milestone for new parents. It is a time of mixed emotions, as you juggle life as a new parent while returning to a career with fresh perspective. However you’re feeling about returning to work, the transition can be a smooth one. With our maternity coaching we can help you navigate this journey and give you the confidence to effectively communicate your needs with your employer. 

In this article, we will explore tips and insights to help you make a seamless comeback to work after maternity leave, as well as offering advice for employers. 

1. Establish a Supportive Return-to-Work Plan

Before returning to work, take the time to plan and prepare. Create a return-to-work plan with your employer, discussing flexible working arrangements and exploring options such as phased returns, working remotely or adjusting your hours to accommodate childcare. By tailoring the plan to meet the needs of returning employees, businesses demonstrate their commitment to supporting work-life balance while retaining valuable employees.

As a returning parent, plan your childcare arrangements well in advance to ensure a smooth transition for both you and your child. Creating a routine and having a clear plan in place will help alleviate stress and provide a sense of stability as you reintegrate into the workforce.

2. Open Communication 

Maintaining open lines of communication throughout the transition period is vital. Employers should regularly check in with returning employees, offering guidance and support where needed, as well as providing resources such as mentoring programmes, networking opportunities, and access to support groups to facilitate a smooth transition. 

As an employee, clearly outline your availability, preferred work arrangements, and any potential limitations. Some people struggle to do this, which is why maternity coaching is so beneficial for returning mothers. Expressing your needs and desires doesn’t have to be nerve-wracking: often employers appreciate clear communication and boundaries. You can work together with them to find a mutually beneficial solution that enables a successful transition.

3. Seek Support from Colleagues and Networks

Don't be afraid to reach out to your colleagues and professional networks for support. Connect with other working parents within your organisation or industry who have experienced a similar transition. They can provide invaluable insights, advice, and support during this time. Establishing a network of individuals who understand the challenges of balancing work and family life can help you feel less alone and provide a sense of community.

4. Prioritise Self-Care and Well-being

Balancing work and family responsibilities can be demanding, so take the time to nurture yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Establish self-care routines, set boundaries, and allocate time for activities that rejuvenate and energise you - all things we support you with in our maternity coaching. Remember that taking care of yourself allows you to be the best parent and employee you can be.

5. Ways Employers can benefit from supporting women in the workforce 

Creating a culture of inclusivity and gender equality is key to building a thriving and diverse workforce. By actively promoting and valuing the contributions of women in the workplace, businesses can narrow the gender pay gap and build a healthy female talent pipeline. Having visible role models and leaders who have successfully returned to work after maternity leave can inspire and attract talented women, encouraging them to join and remain with the organisation. 

By fostering a positive culture, employers can retain talent and reduce the need for costly recruitment and training processes due to high staff turnover. You can support returning mothers by offering mentorship programmes, flexible working options, remote working and compressed workweeks. Please get in touch - whether you’re a returning mother looking for maternity coaching, or an employer looking for guidance on how to help women returning to work. 


Returning to work after maternity leave is a significant step in a new mother's life. It is possible to make a smooth comeback and successfully navigate a work-life balance. Remember to plan and communicate effectively, seek support from your employers, consider a staggered return or flexible working, and prioritise self-care. Our maternity coaching is here to support you through the transition and give you confidence to communicate with your employer, enabling you to thrive in both your career and parenthood.  


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