8 Things Managers Can Do to Maximise Productivity

Summer is here, and whilst it brings warmth and sunshine, it also brings unique challenges for maintaining productivity and engagement within your team. For parents, in particular, the summer holidays can be a juggling act between work, time off with their family and making childcare arrangements. 

As a manager or team leader, navigating this season requires a thoughtful approach that balances work commitments with the desire for personal time and relaxation. Here's how you can support your team, especially parents, through the summer months and keep productivity high.

Support During the Summer Holidays

Parents face many challenges in the lead-up to and during the summer holidays, juggling work with childcare and activities. To create a truly parent-friendly environment, offer flexible working hours to accommodate school holidays and family commitments. Support this by ensuring there is plenty of cover for anyone taking time off and that their workload is reasonable.  Positively promoting work-life integration for parents is crucial for maintaining overall team morale and productivity. Encourage parents to take advantage of flexible schedules and remote working options, such as split shifts or compressed workweeks, to give them the flexibility they need to spend quality time with their children during the holidays.

8 Ways to Support Working Parents During the Summer Holidays

1. Set Clear Expectations and Goals

Clear communication is crucial during the summer when distractions are plentiful.

  • Action: Set specific, achievable goals and deadlines to keep your team focused.

  • Follow-up: Regular check-ins can help ensure everyone is on track and address any emerging issues promptly.

2. Encourage Effective Time Management

Proper time management can significantly boost productivity and keep tasks on track.

  • Action: Help your team members prioritise their tasks by encouraging the use of time management tools like Trello, Asana, or Microsoft Planner.

  • Implementation: Encourage the creation of daily or weekly task lists to maintain focus and ensure essential tasks are completed efficiently.

3. Foster a Flexible Work Environment

Flexibility in the workplace can improve morale and productivity, especially during the long school summer holidays, when parents still need to parent and work.

  • Action: Consider implementing flexible work hours or remote work options.

  • Examples: Allow for flexibility during particularly hot days or when employees have family commitments to accommodate their needs better.

4. Promote Work-Life Balance

Integrating work and personal life and the responsibilities that come with it are essential for maintaining a productive and happy team.

  • Action: Encourage your team to take regular breaks and utilise their holidays.

  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate the importance of work-life balance by taking your own breaks and respecting boundaries between work and personal time.

5. Support Personal Time Management

Helping employees manage their personal time effectively can enhance their work performance.

  • Action: Assist your team members in planning their workload around their holiday schedules.

  • Flexibility: Offer the ability to adjust work hours or compress work weeks to help employees enjoy personal time without compromising work responsibilities.

6. Recognise and Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledging hard work boosts morale and engagement.

  • Action: Celebrate achievements, big or small, to show appreciation.

  • Impact: Recognising and celebrating success can go a long way in maintaining morale and motivating the team.

7. Implement Technology to Stay Connected

Maintaining communication and collaboration is key, even when working remotely.

  • Action: Leverage communication tools like Slack, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams to keep the team connected.

  • Engagement: Regular virtual meetings and updates help maintain a sense of teamwork and collaboration.

8. Plan for Absences and Time Off

Effective planning ensures smooth workflow despite absences.

  • Action: Cross-train team members so that responsibilities can be covered in someone’s absence.

  • Tools: Use shared documents and project management tools to keep track of progress and ensure continuity.

Embracing summer as a manager means finding the right balance between maintaining productivity and respecting the personal lives of your team members. By setting clear expectations, offering flexibility, and promoting effective time management, you can keep your team engaged and productive throughout the summer months. Take the time to understand your team’s needs and support them in finding the right work-life balance this summer.


Why It’s Important to Support Working Parents and How to Do It Fairly


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